Knowledge Hub

Our top tips, tricks, and ideas for getting ahead in the Digital World in an Agile way.

Embracing Agile in Hardware Development: Driving Innovation and Improving Adaptability

As industries face growing complexities, rising costs, and increasing customer demands, adopting Agile principles in hardware development is becoming not just feasible but essential for fostering innovation and reducing the cost of change.

Agile Manifesto | Value 4

Our exploration of one Agile Manifesto principle or value every Tuesday has come to an end with this week's Value 4.

Agile Manifesto | Value 3

In the forthcoming weeks, we are exploring one Agile Manifesto value every Tuesday. This week, it's Value 3's turn.

Agile Manifesto | Value 2

In the forthcoming weeks, we are exploring one Agile Manifesto value every Tuesday. This week, it's Value 2's turn.

10 funny inspirations on being Agile

Who said Agile can not be fun? Today, we wanted to share with you some inspirational videos on being agile.

Agile Manifesto | Value 1

So far we have explored one Agile Manifesto principle every Tuesday. This week, we will start with delving into the values – with Value 1.

Agile Manifesto | Principle 12

In previous weeks, we explored one principle of the Agile Manifesto every Tuesday. This week, it's the last principle's turn: Principle 12. From next week onwards, we will explore the values.

Case Study: Vanderlande

Vanderlande is a global leader in automated material handling solutions, serving diverse industries worldwide. With cutting-edge technologies and a commitment to excellence, Vanderlande optimizes logistics processes, driving productivity and growth on a global scale.

Agile Manifesto | Principle 11

In the forthcoming weeks, we are exploring one Agile Manifesto principle or value every Tuesday. This week, it's Principle 11's turn.

Gladwell 10 year-anniversary: Our top 10 podcasts

To celebrate our 10 year-anniversary, we curated for you our top 10 episodes from our podcast Listen to Unlearn. Sit down, relax, grab your tea and dive into our podcast to rethink the traditional approach to work. #BeBetterThanYesterday

Gladwell 10 year-anniversary: Our 10 top blogs not to miss !

Join us in marking this special milestone by diving into our curated selection of the best content from the past decade.

Gladwell 10 year-anniversary: 10 books we recommend you reading

To celebrate our 10 year-anniversary, we curated for you 10 books you should read to know more about agility and digital transformation. Let's go!
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of 160 items.