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Oct 28, 2023

Part II | How Not to Become an #RTEvil

Now that we've uncovered the dark secrets of #RTEvil, it's time to learn how not to become one. Here are some tips for RTEs and RTEs-to-be.

1. Embrace Empathy

Instead of being a whip-cracker, be a supportive guide, Understand your team's challenges and be empathetic.

Practical Advice: regularly check in with team members to understand their concerns and challenges. Offer assistance and coaching when needed

2. Scope Wisely

Collaborate with Product Management, System Architects, and teams to ensure clear understanding and alignment with business goals. Promote a culture of continuous adaptation to changes, a hallmark of Agile.

Practical Advice: facilitate regular discussions where stakeholders, including Product Management and System Architects, communicate openly about changes needed. Encourage teams to embrace the ones that deliver value, ensuring that all stakeholders understand the rationale behind adjustments without the need for formal approval processes..

2. Scope Wisely

Collaborate with Product Management, System Architects, and teams to ensure clear understanding and alignment with business goals. Promote a culture of continuous adaptation to changes, a hallmark of Agile.

Practical Advice: facilitate regular discussions where stakeholders, including Product Management and System Architects, communicate openly about changes needed. Encourage teams to embrace the ones that deliver value, ensuring that all stakeholders understand the rationale behind adjustments without the need for formal approval processes..

3. Masterful Metrics

Focus on the metrics that matter and use them to drive continuous improvement, not to overwhelm.

Practical Advice: Collaborate with teams to identify and track meaningful metrics. Provide insights and suggestions based on data analysis.

4. Active Facilitation

Be an active and visible facilitator. Engage with teams, build relationships, and promote collaboration.

Practical Advice: Organize and lead collaborative workshops and discussions to encourage idea-sharing and alignment.

5. Trust, Dont Micromanage

Trust your teams to do their jobs. Micromanagement only breeds resentment and hinders progress.

Practical Advice: Provide autonomy and empower teams to make decisions. Foster other roles to do the same. Offer guidance and coaching rather than dictating actions.

Remember that Agile is about flexibility, collaboration, and empowerment. Don't let the dark side of #RTEvil take over your role as an RTE. Instead, be a beacon of light, guiding your Agile Release Train through the foggy landscape of uncertainty. With the right approach, you can ensure that your Agile teams have a happy Halloween, free from the scares of #RTEvil.

So, RTEs and RTEs-to-be, heed these lessons well and ensure that you never become an #RTEvil. Happy Halloween, and may your Agile endeavors be filled with treats, not tricks!

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Nov 5

RTE Summit 10

Join us in celebrating the monumental 10th anniversary of the RTE Summit! Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to network, gain valuable insights, and take your RTE skills to new heights. Secure your spot now and unlock the full potential of your career!
B Amsterdam
Join us in celebrating the monumental 10th anniversary of the RTE Summit! Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to network, gain valuable insights, and take your RTE skills to new heights. Secure your spot now and unlock the full potential of your career!
  • B Amsterdam
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Written by Eduardo Alvim, SAFe Practice Consultant Trainer (SPCT)