Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA)

Data, Security & Privacy
Mapping relevant privacy risks, be ahead of potential privacy breaches, understand which DPIA is most relevant and which method is best applicable to your organisation.
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Storing and processing personal and private data is part of every organization’s concerns. There are clearly outlined legal guidelines on how to go about this. Prior to processing this very sensitive data, a so-called Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) maps the relevant privacy risks. Allowing organizations to be ahead of any potential privacy issues they may encounter further down the line. Various DPIA’s are available, and several methods can be applied to carry out a DPIA. So what does this mean for your organization? Which DPIA is most relevant and which method is best applicable?

Beyond the theoretical knowledge and approach, DPIA’s are firmly rooted in a practical application, which is why this program has a strongly practical nature. Carrying out a successful DPIA requires skill and experience. The program provides the theoretical knowledge and initiates your process of gaining practical experience in carrying out a successful DPIA.

The Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) program is available in English & Dutch for In-Company clients. For further information what this program can do for your organization or to receive a quote, reach out to Marjolein Straathof.

Our Open Enrollment program for Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) is currently available in Dutch. For further information in Dutch, click below.